Articles by "shell 3.8"
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Install Gnome Shell 3.8 and Shell Extensions in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail/Linux Mint 15

Gnome 3.8.2 has been released and apart from the various Gnome libraries, services and core parts that have been upgraded, we should take a look on the applications and utilities that are also part of Gnome.
GNOME 3.8.2 is full of fixes, documentation and translation updates, get its sources from our servers, or binaries from your distribution servers.
gnome shell
Application Menu

gnome shell
Shell Extensions and Places indicator

gnome shell
Activities Overview

gnome shell
Shell Search Improved

gnome shell
Previous used applications

gnome shell
Notifications (open with Super+M)

gnome shell
Activities windows placement extension

gnome shell
Gnome Classic (Fallback Mode)

Note: If you have Cinnamon 1.8 then following commands will break your Cinnamon desktop. Don't install if you want to stick with Cinnamon.

To install Gnome Shell 3.8 in Ubuntu 13.04/Linux Mint 15 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

If you want to install complete Gnome then also use this command:
That's it