Every year more stringent requirements are placed on text editors. It’s not enough for people just to type text. Documents should be at hand at any time, the menu should be intuitive even for a student, and the program itself should run on a laptop, tablet, and phone and all this, preferably, for free. Students, in turn, also need a lot of functions from a text editor: an easy navigation system, building tables, setting headers and footers, and much more. Due to such difficulties, some have no desire to write academic papers, for them, the Anonymous Essay service can be a solution, in which professionals write essays on any topic. However, if you are determined to choose the best text editor, then in our article you will find an extensive overview of Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, and Google Docs.

LibreOffice Writer

What to do to all those who are not satisfied with MS Word and Google Docs? Install LibreOffice! This is an editor based on OpenOffice, created in 2011, in terms of performance, it is more stable. The program is free, like its predecessor, and is also available on different operating systems. To work in LibreOffice does not need the Internet. LibreOffice Writer supports document styles. These features will be very convenient for future editors and journalists. You will immediately get used to using headings of levels 1 and 2, frames and quotes. Not quite an ordinary advantage, but LibreOffice can be installed on a flash drive and take the program with you: the editor will start directly from the flash drive. This is convenient if, for example, you want to show your achievements to a teacher, but are afraid that his/her editor will not open your document.

Microsoft Word

MS Word is the most famous text editor installed on most computers. This is its main advantage: you will find Word almost everywhere. The program has a familiar interface, many useful functions, and tools. In it, you can draw tables, insert images, create diagrams.
However, despite the popularity of Word, it has some drawbacks. The main minus of the editor is that it is paid. Students in the publishing and journalism departments will notice a professional flaw in Word: despite a meticulous grammar and spelling check, the editor will not be able to conduct a full stylistic check of the text. For these purposes, you will have to use third-party resources. Another minus of Word, which some people consider a plus, is the abundance of various functions. When you just need to write text and do not have time to format it, so many tools distract and interfere with your focus.

Google Docs

In fact, Google Docs is a free analog of MS Word. You always have access to your documents, for this, you only need the Internet. Another indisputable plus of Google Docs is that all edits are saved in real-time. A sudden shutdown of the laptop will no longer disrupt the writing of a diploma. This is an incredibly convenient program when you need to work on a document together with someone. If your teacher still doesn't send you real-time comments, it's time to convince him/her to switch to Google Docs.
After Word, Google’s editor may seem a little slow. The minus of Google Docs is also that without the Internet this tool does not work. In addition, you depend on your account: at a minimum, you need to create one. Additionally, if you forget the password from it and cannot restore access, you will lose all your documents.

Which is better?

Which editor to choose depends on your goal and finances. Our advice is: if you are writing a diploma with a lot of formulas, it makes sense to spend money and buy Microsoft Word. But if you need to print several 10-15-page articles and you cannot afford Word, just create a profile in Google Docs or download LibreOffice.
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