Did you ever use Windows XP but moved to Linux or can't use it anymore because support is ended? These theme is going to hit the nostalgia, if you grew up with Windows XP or used it anyway. Redmond theme pack gives your Ubuntu/Linux Mint a flavor of Windows XP/2000 and still you keep awesome Linux behind this eyecandy. This pack offers you 7 variants: XP embedded, XP homestead, XP Luna, XP Royale, XP Royale Dark, XP Zune and another theme kind of look like Windows 2000 called Windows Whistle.
Many people are going say like 'Why you are so obsessed by other operating systems and so, Linux is great OS', yeah I do agree with that last part of the statement and many geeks consider Linux 'A great great operating system' and I do too. The superiority of the Linux shows that you can do with Linux whatever you wants to, change look/design/develop and so, that's called freedom. We should appreciate new comers to Linux instead of letting them down, and people leave Linux because they think it is quite difficult to survive with this OS.
Many people are going say like 'Why you are so obsessed by other operating systems and so, Linux is great OS', yeah I do agree with that last part of the statement and many geeks consider Linux 'A great great operating system' and I do too. The superiority of the Linux shows that you can do with Linux whatever you wants to, change look/design/develop and so, that's called freedom. We should appreciate new comers to Linux instead of letting them down, and people leave Linux because they think it is quite difficult to survive with this OS.
There are Windows XP icons available here but we can't put them in our PPA for copyright reasons, since this theme is for GTK and designed by individual under license GPL-v2, so there is no copyright issue. We recommend you to use Victory Icons with this theme. This pack is compatible with following desktop environments: Cinnamon, Unity, XFCE 4, OpenBox 3, Gnome Shell, Lxde, Mate, and GTK. Victory icons used in the following screenshots. You can use Unity Tweak Tool, Gnome-tweak-tool.

Available for Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety/16.04 Xenial/Linux Mint 18/and other Ubuntu based distributions
To install Windows XP (Redmond) GTK themes in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
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