Articles by "fullrecall"
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FullRecall is free software that can help you to memorize things easily for long period with the minimum time of investment. This program is multi-platform available for Linux, MS Windows, Mac OS X, Maemo, Android, and Pocket-PC. Underlying artificial neural network gradually grasps your forgetting curve to schedule optimal days for the reviews–i.e., days when you will be close to forgetting an information.
Everyone has different style of learning but the best method for everyone is constant repetition, not much stays in our brain forever without reviews, this special computer application offer you help by giving the possible way to create a database of question and answers sets and practice them until you get them right. If something is important to you, you'll think about it from time to time—these repetitions, conscious or not, will reinforce your memory of this fact. In order to not forget we have to do repetitions.
Fullrecall ensures that you remember new things without forgetting what you have already memorized. Reviews are scheduled on days when you're close to forgetting, so sometimes you may actually forget an information, but Fullrecall learns from these mistakes, self-corrects scheduling, to minimize chances of such lapses in the future.