Articles by "review"
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Ubuntu OS on the desktop is very famous brand and has a long heritage in the open source community, but rather than confine itself to the one platform, Canonical set out on the path to use the same core kernel and deliver the same platform across smartphones, tablets, the desktop and TVs.
Ubuntu Touch is a mobile version of the Ubuntu operating system which is being developed by Canonical Ltd and Ubuntu Community. It is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Ubuntu Touch is designed specifically for smartphones to power everything from entry-level handhelds to "high-end super-phones" that double as PCs. The OS is fairly cool, though. You swipe on the edges of the phone to bring up the app launcher, visit your home screen, multitask, and view menus instead of hardware buttons. The home screen is a bit different than what you see on iOS and Android, showing your open apps along the top and your shortcuts on the bottom. Lock screen features include: Missed calls and messages notifications, info-graphic animations, swipe left/right to unlock, lock screen security (Pin/Password), music control, date, time and alarm information.