Articles by "facial autentication"
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Install Facial Recognition on any Ubuntu Version

Face Recognition is allow user to login with camera picture, you don't need to enter password again and again in Ubuntu or other Linux, Just install Pam Face Recognition and Enjoy, it will detect your face through camera automatically.

Now we will see how to install and use it.
First of all open terminal (press Alt+F2 and type: gnome-terminal) and copy the following commands in the the terminal:

after the installation, Configure the software copy the following command in terminal:

after entering this command copy the following lines in the terminal and press enter:
Name: face_authentication profile
Default: yes
Priority: 900
Auth-Type: Primary
[success=end default=ignore] enableX
Now Press Enter.
By this action, the file /usr/share/pam-configs/face_authentication is created and contains the plugin information.

Now With the next command you can enable or disable the plugin:

How to Uninstall Pam-Face-Recognition:
You just need to copy the following commands in the terminal:

Here is the Page of Pam-Recognition-Authentication