Articles by "facebook notify on ubuntu"
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Install Facebook Notification Alerts in Ubuntu Unity Panel

This is very cool for get live alert of Facebook in your Ubuntu Desktop Unity Panel.
To install this First of all copy the following command in the Terminal:

After that Download This File from the developer site. When Download finished, then extract the archive into your Home folder.
Now open your Home Folder and Press Ctrl+H to show Hidden files and folders.
Locate and open the folder ".faccialibro" Open this folder.

Inside this folder right-click on the file named "Faccialibro.desktop", Select the "Properties" from menu.

Replace the name "mirko" present in the "Command" field to that of your username. Your username can be seen next to the Home folder icon at the top of the Nautilus sidebar. To apply the icon drag the "facebook.png" icon into the icon field square. to the left of the entry fields.

Now select "Permissions" tab, where you should check the box next to "Allow executing file as program".

Now is to drag the "Faccialibro" file onto the Unity Launcher so we can use it:

Authorize the application with your Facebook account:
To Authorize the application click on the Faccialibro icon on launcher which promptly open browser and asking you to "Allow" permission to the application. Allow Access and Enjoy.