Articles by "Deluge"
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There are many BitTorrent clients available for Linux and you may have your favorite one installed on your system. Deluge is an open-source BitTorrent client written in Python programming language and its software library written in C++ language which provides the application's networking logic, is connected to one of various front ends (including a text console, a Web interface, and a graphical desktop interface using GTK+) through the project's own Python bindings. It is free licensed under the GNU GPL-v3 and cross-platform available for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac and Windows.
Deluge contains the common features to BitTorrent clients such as Protocol Encryption, DHT, Local Peer Discovery (LSD), Peer Exchange (PEX), UPnP, NAT-PMP, Proxy support, Web seeds, global and per-torrent speed limits. As Deluge heavily utilizes the ​libtorrent library it has a comprehensive list of the ​features provided. Deluge has been designed to run as both a normal standalone desktop application and as a ​client-server. In Thinclient mode a Deluge daemon handles all the BitTorrent activity and is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces connecting remotely from any other platform. A rich collection of Plugins are available to get the most out Deluge and extend it's functionality, written by various members of the Deluge community.