Articles by "Brackets"
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Brackets is an open-source, modern text/code editor that specifically designed for web designers but it doesn't mean if you don't do web development then you can't use it. It is lightweight, powerful, cross-platform (Linux, Mac and Windows) and focused on front-end web development (JavaScript, CSS and HTML), initially it was developed by Adobe, licensed under the MIT license and it is currently maintained on GitHub. Now it is maintained by almost 282 community contributors.
With focused visual tools and preprocessor support, Brackets is a modern text editor that makes it easy to design in the browser. It's crafted from the ground up for web designers and front-end developers.
Quick edit enables inline editing of CSS, Color Property, and JavaScript elements for developers. This built-in feature can be applied to multiple functions or properties simultaneously and all updates are applied directly to the file associated with the changed elements.
Live Preview: When one clicks the respective code snippet in CSS/HTML the web browser immediately shows the output relating to that code snippet in web browser. This feature is termed as Live Highlight.
Split view feature splits the main view into 2 parts. User can split view either vertically or horizontally as per one's own convenience, thus allowing user to work on 2 files at same time.
Brackets supports codes from multiple file types from C++, C, VBScript to Java, JavaScript, HTML, Python, Perl and Ruby. The complete list comprises more than 38 file types.

  • Quick Edit
  • Quick Docs
  • Live Preview
  • JSLint
  • LESS support
  • Theseus integration
  • Open-source
  • Extension Support
Brackets is an open source, modern, lightweight code/text editor made by Adobe developers, it understands the web design which means if you want to work on HTML, CSS, JavaScript then you will find this editor very useful and handy. The Brackets can be splits in to two parts both horizontally and vertically to compare or edit files simultaneously with focused visual tools and preprocessor support, it's makes it easy to design in the browser. Try Creative Cloud Extract (preview) for Brackets for an easy way to get clean, minimal CSS straight from a PSD with no generated code.