Are you used to use panel indicators? Can't you find all useful indicators in one place? So here we brought mostly used indicators for you in one place, for now you don't need to explore the Internet to locate them, if any indicator is mission let us know in the comment below (or just drop a line with some info via contact page) and we will add it in this list. Application indicators helps us access bold features of the application or standalone indicator offers various functionality to make user experience better on desktop computer. Since this long list of indicators only available for Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid/14.10 Utopic, previously we had shared useful indicators for 14.04 and 12.04, if you are using any of that version make sure you check these Indicators for Ubuntu 14.04 Vivid/Linux Mint 17.x & Indicators for 12.04 Precise.
These indicators can work with most of Linux desktop environments (compatible with panel using AppIndicator) like Unity, Gnome, Cinnamon, Mate, Xfce, and others. You may find some indicator doesn't load in specific desktop, I didn't tested in all desktops but let us know if this happens to you.