Variety is an open-source wallpaper changer designed for Linux operating system, it comes with great features and easy to use. There are many wallpaper manager applications available which offers many features but Variety has its own way to get things done. It can display wallpapers from local sources or lots of various online sources, allows user to change wallpaper on a regular interval, and provides easy ways to separate the great images from the junk.
From now Variety started its own online social network where you can participate and log in to Variety program to explore this program socially. You can also manually download wallpapers from various famous sites using this program. In preferences under 'color and size' tab you can change extended properties of your current wallpaper. Panel indicator of Variety gives you quick access to some of the main options of program.
What's new in this version?
- Smart: updated again some texts
- Removed some unnecessary delays in Timer calls
- Trashing was slow due to smart-reporting: update queues and wallpaper first, report and delete in an outer thread afterwards
- Added TestRedditDownloader
- Initial registration screen: Register link instructs user to look for a new browser tab
- Smart: updated some welcome screens texts
- Smart: try to load user in init to avoid exception related to creating RecommendedDownloader
- Show Next and Previous in main menu only in non-Unity DEs (Unity supports indicator scroll, no need for them there)
- Make sure to delete metadata json when purging downloaded folder
- Unicode: Make _u and _str transparent for None
- Merge in multi-screen Enlightenment-related changes
- Next and previous options in main menu
- Added support for Reddit as an image source
- Option to search image with Google Image Search
- Update to Wallhaven search
- Fixed some failing tests
- Removed some outdated quotes-related tests
- View at... option in right-click thumbnail menu as well
- Adding Wallhaven.cc support
- Merging changes to reading/writing metadata from variety-smart
- Bugfix: do not remove delete wallpaper file in cleanup_old_wallpapers()
- Faceboook sharing: do not include link to full image, let Facebook choose image itself
- Bugfix: Make sure all dialogs require just one click on the X button to close
- Bugfix: Add image source dialogs required two clicks on the X button to close
- Fix Unicode error related to non-ascii font names
- Many bug fixed
To install Variety in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal: