Articles by "install ubuntu-tweak"
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Install Ubuntu Tweak 0.6.1 on Ubuntu 12.04/11.10/11.04/Linux Mint (New Released)

Ubuntu Tweak 0.6.1 has been added to repositories "third party"of Ubuntu 12.04 brings several new features and more freedom to customize the Unity. Adjust the opacity of the panel, change the color of Dash, change fonts and delete cache, and other features are actions that can be easily performed using this tool specializes in dealing with numerous settings Unity.

Adjust panel opacity, change fonts, clear unwanted cache are actions that can be easily performed via Ubuntu Tweak, a tool specialized in dealing with numerous Ubuntu tweaks in one, friendly, global place.

Ubuntu-Tweak 0.6.1 bug fixes and release notes:
  • Add support for Ubuntu 12.04
  • Add “Dash color” setting to Unity Settings
  • Add “Desktop Font” setting to Fonts Settings
  • Hide the Session Control for Lubuntu
  • Remove the background change in Login Settings, because the LightDM for 12.04 already support read user background setting

To install Ubuntu Tweak on Ubuntu/Linux Mint (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

For Ubuntu 11.04/older versions download this deb file:
Ubuntu-tweak 0.6.1 Package File

Here is site of Ubuntu-Tweak.